Data Resources
Air Pollution Data
PM2.5 Data and Life Expectancy Impact
Access PM2.5 data at the district level for every country from 1998-2022, as well as the national annual standard for each country (if one exists). This dataset also includes the corresponding life years lost due to PM2.5 relative to if the district met the World Health Organization’s guideline for annual PM2.5 of 5µg/m3 and relative to if the district met its country’s national standard. The life expectancy data is a measurement from the Air Quality Life Index.
Strategic Air Pollution Funding Targeting
Access data and calculations for the EPIC Air Quality Fund Country Priority Scoring System. This system prioritizes countries’ need for open data and monitoring systems based on the impact having such a system would make on their pollution level. It scores countries based on: 1) The importance of PM2.5 pollution as an issue compared to other countries (e.g. severity of annual average PM2.5 levels as determined by satellite-derived estimates, size of population) and within the country itself (e.g. how high the issue ranks as a risk factor for mortality compared to other national issues); 2) The neglectedness of PM2.5 pollution relative to other countries in terms of resources invested by its government (e.g. lack of existence of government air quality monitoring or policy structures) or international donor funding; and 3) The tractability of contributing to tangible solutions in the country relative to others (e.g. opportunity to invest in basic data infrastructure due to a lack of current government investment and the existence of local groups with expertise and interest in monitoring PM2.5).
Climate Impacts
Access data on sea level rise and temperature hazards and impacts of future climate change for more than 24,000 global regions on the Human Climate Horizons platform. Hazard data includes: average annual daily mean temperature, daily maximum temperatures over 95°F, daily minimum temperatures under 32°F, and local relative sea level rise projections relative to a 1994-2014 baseline. Sea level rise is projected for three shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), considering only processes for which projections can be made with medium confidence, as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, Box 1.1). Temperature data is projected for two representative concentration pathways (RCPs) from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report.
Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases
Access data from the Data-driven Spatial Climate Impact Model (DSCIM), a robust, empirically-based model that the EPA has utilized for quantifying the long-run impact of each additional ton of greenhouse gas (GHG) released into the atmosphere on a range of economic and social outcomes, using a metric called the Social Cost of GHG or SC-GHG. This dataset enables the calculation of sector-specific partial SC-GHGs, such as mortality and energy costs described below, and SC-GHGs that combine damages across sectors. The main purpose of this library is to parse the monetized spatial damages from different sectors and integrate them into SC-GHGs for different discount levels, pulse years, and greenhouse gases.
View dataset | View user manual
Mortality Costs
Access results and data for estimating the mortality costs of future climate change. This dataset uses comprehensive historical mortality records to quantify how death rates across the globe have been affected by observed climate changes by compiling the largest sub-national vital statistics database in the world, detailing 399 million deaths across 41 countries accounting for 55 percent of the global population.
Energy Costs
Access results and data for estimating the energy costs of future climate change. This dataset uses comprehensive historical energy consumption data derived from International Energy Agency data files to quantify how a population’s use of electricity and other fuels (for example, natural gas, oil and coal) responds to climate changes.
Climate Projections
Access the Global Downscaled Projections for Climate Impacts Research (GDPCIR) dataset, a tool for helping researchers study how future climate will evolve at a local or regional level, corresponding to the latest global climate model simulations from the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The GDPCIR dataset makes use of statistical bias correction and downscaling algorithms to preserve trends in climate extremes so that researchers can study the way high temperatures or heavy precipitation manifest in future climate impacts. Data is currently available for 25 global climate models, comprising the most comprehensive and high-resolution dataset that exists for this application. The GDPCIR dataset, including documentation and sample notebooks, is freely available on the Microsoft Planetary Computer.
View Microsoft Planetary Computer dataset
Access projected temperature metrics under a range of climate change scenarios on the Climate Impact Lab’s Impact Map. Projections are derived from the Lab’s GDPCIR dataset described above. Data variables include seasonal and annual average temperatures and are available for 252 countries and territories across the globe and at a state resolution within the United States.