Yu-Ying He is currently a Professor of Medicine with Tenure at the University of Chicago. She received her PhD in Chemistry in 2000 from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China. Then she was awarded the Humboldt Research Fellowship and worked with Dr. Donat-P. Häder at the University of Erlangen-Nuerenburg in Germany. In 2001, she came to the NIEHS/NIH for her postdoctoral training with Dr. Colin Chignell. In 2007, she joined the faculty in the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago. She is currently the Associate Director of Shared Resources for the comprehensive cancer center. During her research career, Yu-Ying has received several awards, including the first NIEHS Science Day Early Career Award, the NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE), the American Skin Association Research Scholar Award, the American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award, the Outstanding New Environmental Scientist (ONES) Award, the Leif B. Sorensen Faculty Research Award, the American Society for Photobiology Light Path Award, and the Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary Environmental Health Research (RIVER/R35) Award. She served as the President of the American Society for Photobiology from 2018-2020. Her research interests are in epigenetic and epitranscriptomic mechanisms of stress response and environmental health sciences, specifically in responses to the damage induced by UV radiation and environmental stressors.

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