Natalie Larsen is a third-year undergraduate at the University of Chicago pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies with a minor in Arabic Language. On-campus, Natalie enjoys discussing foreign affairs as President of the Society of International Relations, coordinating events as a Committee Member of the International Policy Program, and writing about global issues as World Section editor of the student publication The Gate. To further her interests in international law, the politics of the Arab World, and emerging technologies, Natalie looks forward to attending COP28 and learning about international diplomacy, considering innovative climate solutions, and connecting with global policy leaders.

“Studying Global Studies and Arabic as a third-year undergraduate, COP28 immersed me in the intersections of my interests in climate change, international diplomacy, and the Middle East, as I learned more about the interconnectedness of climate and conflict, connected with global leaders, and felt empowered to contributing to solutions for these pressing global issues as a future diplomat.”