The University of Chicago has a renowned tradition of pioneering economic thinking to tackle major societal challenges. Climate change is no exception. As world leaders work to balance the urgent priority for economic growth with the equally pressing need to stabilize the climate, public policy strategies have taken center stage. John Podesta has spent his decades-long career advising policymakers, including Presidents Obama and Biden, on U.S. and global climate policy. Join Podesta and Michael Greenstone for a conversation about the state of U.S. and global climate policy, the tension between climate and growth, and the role that the University of Chicago can play through research and education.
- John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy, The White House
- Michael Greenstone, Director, EPIC; Milton Friedman Distinguished Professor in Economics
- Moderated by Heidi Heitkamp, Former U.S. Senator, North Dakota; Director, University of Chicago Institute of Politics